Surprise!!! You cannot make more time appear in your day, but you can decide what is a priority in your life. Ask yourself "What is the most important thing to you right now"?
What are you prepared to trade off to get leaner, fitter, and healthier?
Improving your nutrition, fitness, health (and life) — is about trade-offs. In order to say "yes" to something, you have to say "no" to something else.
Saying "yes" to an extra 30 minutes of sleep might mean saying "no" to another episode of your favorite show on Netflix.
Saying "yes" to a daily workout session might mean saying "no" to mindlessly scrolling on social media. .
Saying "yes" to a healthier lifestyle means occasionally saying “no” to dinner and drinks with friends.

What are you willing to trade? We all have the same 24 hours in a day, what are you prepared to trade off to get leaner, fitter, and/or healthier?
Ask yourself:
What are you prepared to say "yes" to?
What are you prepared to say "no" to?
Out of all the things you want to accomplish in 2023, which do you want to do first?
There are no right or wrong answers. Just choices, consequences, and compromises.
It's your life. You decide.